Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Salam All,

as most of you already know, Z's granddad lost his battle to cancer yesterday at 11am Msia time..we was already ready to bed when we received the news, even we been told about his condition as Z just called his uncle a day before, the news was a shock to us especially Z.

but in a way we are glad his suffer has come to the end + he went so peacefully this Ramadhan..

Al-Fatihah Tokki Yunus...moga dicucuri Rahmat dan ditempatkan di kalangan org2 yg beriman..

Monday, September 14, 2009

his 2 love in states..

he told me once, this is his 2 love in States..tp sometime rasa mcm dia sayang kereta dr wifey...of mmg dah dlm DNA seorg lelaki?


Syukur atas ikatan kasih ini..moga berkekalan =)

rumah mak saya!

the other day on our way nak pergi terawih..

Me: yang, kalau tahun depan kita raya kat Msia..couple of days before until raya ke-2 kat Terengganu kan?

Mr. Z: mmmm..napa raya Trg dulu?

Me: ye la, raya 1st time mesti kat Trg, dulu kan before khawin u dah janji..

Mr. Z: ye ke? tak ingat pun..

Me: Jgn nak ngada ok..balik Trg dulu..

Mr. Z: kita tgk mcm mana...singgah Pahang kejap pun x pe kan *sambil buat muka toye dia*

Me: nope..Terengganu dulu!!

Mr. Z: Pahang Pahang... *still muka sengih2, me dont like at all!!*

*last2 2-2 diam pasal malas nak layan*

ini baru PLAN..sethn awal tu...dah berebut, imagine thn depan mcm mana...tp MESTI BALIK TERENGGANU DULU!!! akan ku usahakan ;)

Monday, August 31, 2009

tq dear!!

tah apa mimpi Mr. Z hari ni..sebenarnya masuk coach nak tukar my sunglass je..but the kind yg i nak x de pulak..so kena dtg next time..mcm frust juga..
tetiba dia belikan i this tote just to cheer me up!!!

thank you love!! u tau dah lama i usha this beg ye...hehehhe..one thing boleh cross wishlist =)

TQ again LUV!!!

for iftar, we went to this Indonesia place..first time pergi..dekat sangat dgn my office..no worries..its halal..nnt i'll post pictures..Mr. Z had the 5 full course which include:
-chicken soto soup
-Indonesia popia
-gado-gado *SANGAT2 SEDAP!!*
-Beef satay and chicken satay
-Indo fried chicken
-Spicy beef rendang
-udang balado
-sambal goreng buncis
-acar kuning
-Twice cooked egg in spicy coconut sauce
-Shrimp chip
-Jasmine rice
-fried banana w ice cream

all the above for just $25!! murah ok!! semua sedap!! i ambik sikit2 rasa
as for me, ayam bumbu rujak..mcm ayam percik with kuah sambal pedas..
semua sedap..oo ya..order ABC juga =) mmg makan besar..all total dlm $40(+tips)*i belanja pasal Mr. Z hadiahkan coach and something from Correll..x yah la mention ok..nnt org ckp riak pula..heheh*
tp mmg puas hati..semua rasa and best..yg paling happy, dah jumpa my pasar Ramadhan!! ;) balik office boleh order and pickup sahaja...uu suka2

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Happy 52nd Bday Malaysia!!

Saya bangga menjadi anak MALAYSIA!!
yes..we are planning to come back soon..this time for real =)

blogging again

salam All...

can't believe im blogging again..my last post on my previous blog was December of last year..lets hope this one will last awhile ;)

well..just for fun, after few friends been asking about me and my new life..look like FB is not enough huh..well maybe I’ll post few pictures of us here =)